Maverick Studios Generates Holiday POP Kit for Jimmy John’s
In winter 2021, Mavericks were tasked with creating a holiday-themed campaign surrounding the infamous Jimmy John's #9 Italian Nightclub. Together, our creative conjured various assets from register magnets to colossal billboard ads shown in Atlanta.

The design team took a risk by adding a cheerful green to backgrounds in addition to the classic Jimmy John's red to really drive forward the holiday feel.

The design team got playful by inserting a classic JJ logo into a festive ornament, while the cheekiness of the copy rounds out the overall feel of the asset.

This project is a perfect example of prime creative collaboration between the copy and design team. Copy focused heavily on the festive holiday season for inspiration, and the team landed on "To all a Good Nightclub" as one of the forefront messages, and the design team seamlessly merged Jimmy John's classic branding with this holiday season theme.
"Working together as a team was crucial to this project. The designers and copywriters worked in tandem to decide what copy worked with the design and what design worked with copy. We pushed the boundaries a little with this project - and it turned out so well!"

The Maverick Team thrived in owning this project from beginning to end. Producing digital creative for Jimmy John's is always a treat in our book due to their openness to broad-spectrum ideas, playfulness, and excitement for genuine creativity